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WIVUCH = Wisconsin VHF/UHF County Hunters
The WIVUCH Award: A challenging award
to promote increased VHF/UHF activity!
W9RPM did it! He worked all 72 Wisconsin
counties on the 144 MHz band!

This new award program will motivate you to get on the air and seek VHF/UHF signals throughout Wisconsin. Operators both in and outside of WI are encouraged to participate. Rovers and Hilltoppers are important and will earn awards, too.

The program rewards you with certificates and endorsements as you work Wisconsin counties on the VHF and UHF bands. Contacts made after Jan. 1, 2010 are eligible.

Fixed stations work 20 WI counties for your initial award. Rovers/portables activate 10 WI counties to earn an award. See 'rules' link above for full details.

The primary goal of the WIVUCH Award Program is to greatly increase day-to-day activity levels on VHF/UHF in and around WI. To accomplish this, we need publicity. Hams and ham clubs in all 72 WI counties need to be aware this program exists. Hams in surrounding states need to be aware of WIVUCH. Please help spread the word in all directions. If you have ideas, contact me with them. NOTE -- Hams in surrounding states are encouraged to develop similar programs. The more states that do this, the better VHF/UHF will be.

Todd KC9BQA EN63ao 40 N of Milwaukee
https://www.kc9bqa.com For Frequent VHF/UHF Updates

Page Last Updated: 16 Aug 2021
© 2021 Todd Sprinkmann KC9BQA    kc9bqa (at) kc9bqa (dot) com