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Rules for the WIVUCH Award Program (ver2.2)

This award program exists to increase activity on the VHF/UHF bands. Earning a certificate is well within reach - even for modest stations.

WIVUCH is created and administered by KC9BQA. This is not an ARRL or Club program.

Awards for Fixed Stations:
Certificates are earned by working 20 different Wisconsin counties on any VHF/UHF band. Endorsements are available for working an additional 10, 20, 30, and 40 counties. A plaque is awarded for working all 72 Wisconsin counties on the VHF/UHF bands. Stations in and outside of Wisconsin may earn this award. Endorsements are available for accomplishing these milestones on a single VHF/UHF band.

An example of getting to 20 counties for an initial certificate: AB9XYZ works 12 different WI counties on 6m (SSB, CW, FM, AM, Digital -- doesn't matter). He then works 8 different WI counties on 2m (not the same counties he worked on 6m) Since he's worked 20 different WI counties, AB9XYZ is now eligible for a certificate. Another example would be working 8 WI counties on 50/52MHz; 4 on 144/146 MHz; 4 on 222/223 MHz and 4 on 432/440 MHz. Working 20 counties on any single band will get you a certificate, too. Using KC9BQA as an example, if you work me on both 6m and 2m, you get only one county toward the Award -- Sheboygan. There is no additional credit for working me on both SSB and FM.

Awards for Rovers/Portables:
Certificates are earned by activating 10 counties on any VHF/UHF band. Endorsements are available in 10 county increments. A plaque will be awarded for activating all 72 counties on the VHF/UHF bands.

Rovers are highly mobile stations configured for planned movement among counties and grids. Portable stations are those set-up away from a home station with little intent on mobility. A portable station set-up repeatedly as an alternative to your home station should apply for the fixed station award. Apply for two awards--one from home and one from your portable location. If a portable operator, over time, activates 10 or more counties, he may then want to also apply for the Rover award on account of the multiple counties activated.

  1. Contacts made after January 1st, 2010 are eligible for this award.

  2. Only frequencies 50 MHz and above are considered for this award. Crossband contacts do not count. Aeronautical mobile contacts do not count.

  3. Repeater contacts and satellite contacts are not to be used for this award.

  4. Valid contacts consist of exchanging callsigns and rogers on both ends. You do not need to exchange counties on the air. A stations callbook address will be assumed to be the address for operation. If you are aware the station is not at their callbook address, determine their county to the best of your ability. Only direct 2-way contacts are allowed.

    1. Valid contacts can be made at any time -- ragchewing, contests, band openings or nets.

    2. You are encouraged to exchange counties to give visibility to this award program.

  5. All modes are eligible. SSB, CW, Digital, and FM Simplex will be the most common. Crossmode contacts are permitted.
  1. Forms are available for download that assist your application. You may use forms of your own creation if they record the same information as indicated in the available forms.

  2. Your signature verifies that you've worked up to 60 WI counties. QSL verification may be required for the 72 County plaque.

  3. QSL acknowledgement can be a physical QSL card, a printed out eQSL, or a listing from LOTW.

  4. Please include four postage stamps for return postage when you apply for a certificate or endorsement.

  5. Mail Entries to:
    Todd Sprinkmann   N 1347 Lynn Rd, Adell, WI  53001
    If you supply an email address, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt.

  6. The program administrator reserves the right to request QSL's or additional documentation at any point in the program. The administrator's decisions are final.
  1. Rovers/portable stations earn a certificate for activating 10 counties. To activate a county, a rover must contact three stations on any VHF/UHF band. Only one of the worked stations (submitted for the award) may be portable or rover.
    1. Rover or portable stations may activate two counties at once (not four), if indeed they are physically located on the county dividing line.
    2. Rovers/Portable stations are encouraged to either identify as "rover" or the county they are in. A rover active in a contest may supply the county they were in after the contest either directly or by posting in public email reflectors or websites.
    3. Rovers are asked to post plans ahead of time so other rovers and fixed stations will know to look for you. Send plans to KC9BQA and the plans will get posted on this website and kc9bqa.com.
Page Last Updated: 09 April 2010
© 2021 Todd Sprinkmann KC9BQA    kc9bqa (at) kc9bqa (dot) com